Saturday, July 11, 2009

Record Set
Angela Manages To Go A Whole Four Weeks Before Pissing Her Mother-in-law Off
Yes, I did it .... a whole four weeks before pissing my mother-in-law off. Might I add the perfect mother-in-law. The one who worked in a hospital with babies therefore she knows everything about caring for children. The mother-in-law who nursed her grandson back to health with food, herbs and teas when the doctor's gave up hope; and the mother-in-law who considers her only son, my husband, Dejan, the most perfect child that ever walked the face of the earth.
As you might guess, I am in a no-win situation being that my husband is as close to being listed as a national saint of Macedonia in his mother's eyes, I generally don't win with him either on these issues.
As you know I had a checkup/ultrasound yesterday. I figured instead of placing all my money on a doctor's expertise over here, I thought an ultrasound would be one sure way to make sure the baby was ok and get me through these next few weeks until I can return home to my own doctor. And if they were able to tell the sex of the child, then that would be great too. An added bonus.
So, Dejan's brother-in-law and sister make a big deal about getting one of the best doctors at the private clinic and how he spoke English so that I could understand him. Biba is the only one working now so I hated if she would have to take off work to go with me, so a doctor speaking English seemed to be the way to go. The day before the appointment Baba asks me "Do you want me or Biba to go with you?" Well, Rade was taking me. His English is great should I need him. Truman wanted to come along since she was bored, so I thought things were pretty well covered. I was a big girl. I had gone to pretty much all of my doctor's appointments so far alone as well as with my last pregnancy so no big deal. Anyway, I took her question as are you afraid to go alone, do you need one of us to go with you. And then finally, if Baba went my four year old, Riley, would have to come along too because she wouldn't stay with Dedo by herself.
My interpretation of her question was a BIG mistake. It seems Baba wanted to go with me. But did she say that? No. So I return from the appointment with glad tidings of a baby boy and Baba seemed pissy. All evening long pissy. I finally asked Biba and Rade what she was unhappy about and they tell me she wanted to go to the appointment with me. They go into all this drama of how she won't be there for the birth, that she will probably never see this kid so the least my selfish ass could have done was take her with me. OMG - You have got to be kidding me! I said to Biba why didn't you tell me she wanted to go? Biba at the time hadn't been aware either.
So I go through a whole evening of pissiness and pouting. Dejan asks her about it later that evening on Skype and of course, I was in the wrong. My bad. She starts crying in front of Dejan on the computer which of course multiplies the drama by ten. Mean Angela. Bad Angela. I have ruined this moment for her. But of course, let's forget the crap I went through on the plane to get over here. Or that party a minute I have been having since I arrived. I guess bringing their grand kids by myself pregnant thousands of miles and staying for seven weeks doesn't give me enough brownie points for my horrid indiscretion.
There is a saying here in Macedonia - "sin na mica." Which translates to "mother's son." When Baba says Dejan's name she extols this saying in the same breath. It rolls off her tongue like music so that anyone listening, Dejan included, doesn't ignore the fact that he is beyond special. He is perfect. And in Macedonia there is nothing like the love between a son and the mother as I have been repeatedly told.
I guess the only hope I have left is when this little arrives, I get to have my own - sin na mica.

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