Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Ok - I knew it would be a challenge but my God! I seriously considered turning around by the time we got to London.

5 hour car ride to DC. Riley cried to say goodbye to Dejan. Truman was just pumped with excitement. First, complaining of how are we going to sleep on the plane. I finally told Truman
"It is amazing what you will do when you have to" - soon to be theme for trip and when you are tired enough you can sleep anywhere.

About two hours into the flight Truman says she has a headache. Hour three. Massive puking out of no where. No warning. No time to do anything. All over Truman's shirt, pants, seat and floor. I and the attendants clean things up as best we can. I am carrying puke bags to the lavatory. Trying to remain calm and tell Truman it is alright. Riley is clinging to me freaked out.

Look at my watch - Over three more hours before we arrive in London. Truman has to rough it out in the puke clothes as she didn't bring a backup outfit like Mommy told her to. Riley doesn't want to sit near Truman now as she smells. Riley is on top of me in my lap for the rest of the trip. Of course, I am stressed over blood clots so I am wearing my grandma socks, adding the weight of Riley and trying to make my body in a comfortable position for her to sleep was a task and not an easy one. Really none of us slept but maybe an hour or two. People around us on the plane holding their nose looking like my kids are going to give them the swine flu. Which of course, we probably infected everyone in the section with the stomach virus.

Get to London. Beautiful airport but British are too cheap to use the a/c properly. British regularly using words as lovely to describe everything which Truman thought was cool. British are insane about security. Takes forever. Have to pull out all cosmetics/toiletries from our carry ons, put them in clear plastic bags to run through scanner separately. Yes, pain the ass with two kids but if there was a terrorist issue, I would be thankful. First task to get Truman out of the puke clothes. People walking by her staring at her holding their nose. Very limited on choices. Harrods had t shirts when converting the currency was $60! Hell no! Finally found a sports shop and get her a dress for probably $50 but it had to. We all go the bathroom to sanitize Truman and bag up the smelly clothes.

Next order of business - food. I find a restaurant. Truman tries to eat and then goes to the bathroom to puke again. I leave them in the restaurant to run to the pharmacy for medicine for her. When I start to eat a bit then Riley says, Mommy my french fry is going to make me puke. No, Riley it won't. Calm down. Here comes the puke face. I snatch Riley up and start exiting the restaurant to head out to the restroom. Don't make it. She pukes there in the floor with dining customers, on her clothes and me. People around us were again grossed out. By this time the puking musketeers are used to the routine. In the bathroom the attendant points us to the sink where she continues to puke. I then clean her and myself off and go back to the restaurantto collect Truman, our bags and once again go back to the restroom to clean everyone up.

Next... the flight to Budapest.

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